Peleus, the aged father of Achilles, has just successfully rescued Andromache and her child from death at the hands of Menelaus and Hermione. The Chorus sings him a happy but meditative victory ode.
LYRICS: The life that I praise,
that I aspire to
does not wield power
divorced from justice
Honest defeat does not bring shame
in private rooms,
in public life
O I can believe in you, old man (I can believe that you fought with your glorious spear)
I can believe in you (I can believe that you sailed through the Clashing Rocks)
Aboard the Argo on that glorious voyage (aboard the Argo you sailed the inhospitable waters)
I can believe in your honesty
Good families have honor and glory.
Time cannot erase them.
Their excellence shines out, even after death.
Let me be born (if I am born at all) to noble parents
and a rich home.
Rich men are shielded from human suffering
the poor are nothing, have no recourse.
O I can believe in you, old man (I can believe that you fought with your glorious spear)
I can believe in you (I can believe that you sailed through the Clashing Rocks)
Aboard the Argo on that glorious voyage (aboard the Argo you sailed the inhospitable waters)
I can believe in your honesty.